Tuesday, November 10, 2020



Sunday, November 1, 2020

Sunday, October 25, 2020



Appearances cheat

so what?

I am what I am

all chance and choice

don't care if my voice

is misunderstood

they never cared

my silence too


Saturday, August 8, 2020

Friday, April 10, 2020


COVID-19: In Isolation

The sun and cool breeze
betray no virus:

the house arrest sickens
the fear kills the spring

this Naw Ruz alters
the meaning of life

buried in years that gibe
political follies

fanatic ambitions
and culture of suicide

they call evolution
progress, peace, unity

ruining harmony
in nature's home fuel

no re-creation
but perpetual death



I watch the past crushed
and fake saints rising to reign

exalt cunningness
envision deceit to prosper

a ram rigs the folk
with iron teeth and speaking horns

from the Ganga's bank
immigrant hope and waiting

pushes west-, north-, east-
and southward for net-breaking

new resurrection
beyond the brimming nowhere

I hear the dead dying
angels groaning in the trees

my unscarred body
feels the hand that's blade and guard

ends me like full-stop.
New waves of terror rise high.

the book is opened
but where is the seeing eye?

--R K Singh

Wednesday, January 8, 2020


Face lotus
tongue sandal
manners sweet

heart scissors
I know him
seasoned crook

--R K Singh